Meet HLB DIGITAL’s Cybersecurity Consulting


HLB Digital is an offering dedicated to providing technology advisory services to your clients through the HLB member firms. We specialise in the delivery of information technology and cyber security services across different industries in multiple languages. HLB Digital is backed by a team experienced experts across all domains of information technology and cybersecurity. Our experts deliver high end, cutting edge services to your organisations and helps you prepare for and protect against cyber threats, to minimise risk. In case of an attack, our team is ready to respond and support you with quick recovery to minimise the damage to your business.

Transfer Price


HLB Mozambique

Through Decree 70/2017 of 6 December, the transfer pricing system was approved, which consists of the prices to be practiced in commercial operations involving related parties, or between sectors, or between parts of the same entity.

Estabilidade Fiscal nos Contratos de Concessão Mineira


Moçambique é um País que possui um grande potencial de recursos naturais provenientes do solo, sobsolo, águas interiores, mar e águas profundas do oceano índico, o que tem tornado num destino de referência para atracção de Investimentos.